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- Louis Gosselin, one of the eldest members of the St-Paul (Kent Ct.) parish is dead on the evening of Monday June 12. Suffering a heart disease in the last six weeks, he realized that his advanced age wouldn't allow him to overcome this illness and that his long career was reaching its conclusion. He immediately called for his priest, Reverend Leonide Cormier, who gave him the last sacraments. A slight relief occurred a few days later. This great Christian, for whom prayers were so important during his life, could not fail to transform his last days in a continuous prayer. On the Sunday preceding his death his strength failed him. He then asked that at his bedside prayers were to be recited without interruption. In the evening of the next day, he expired. The deceased was born in Memramcook on May 17, 1841, from the marriage of Charles Gosselin and Madeleine Legere.He married Emilie Fougere (widow of Frederic LeBlanc from St-Antoine) and came to clear a land for his farm, one of the first in St-Paul, where he lived all his life.His children who survive him are : Auguste and Henri, Madeleine (Mrs Olivier D. Cormier), Marie (Mrs Simon D. Cormier) from St-Paul ; Albeni, trader in Notre-Dame ; Melanie (Mrs Vital Leger) from St-Antoine ; and Aime F. LeBlanc, adopted son living in Bouctouche.Two brothers and one sister survive him : Elzear from Bouctouche, Flavien of Moncton, and Obeline (Mrs David Cormier) from St-Paul. All attended the funeral plus a large proportion of his grandchildren, which number 118 in all.The funeral service took place Wednesday the 14 and sung by his grandchild Mr. Albeni LeBlanc, vicar of l'Assomption in Moncton, assisted by Reverend Ph. Hebert, priest at Mont-Carmel as deacon, and Reverend L. Cormier, priest of the parish as subdeacon.A spiritual bouquet offered by his parents and friends included promise of 18 Masses, 103 Heard Masses, 70 Communions, 155 Ways of the Cross, 187 Litanies, 453 Rosaries and 175 Jaculatory Orations. The bearers were Willie T. Cormier, Joseph Cormier, Francois Cormier et Albeni Cormier, grandchildren of the deceased.